November 28 (November 18, o.s.)

Jamaica: The Council meets in Port Royal and orders that HMS Guernsey be supplied. In regard to a letter from Governor Codrington of the Leeward Islands requesting military help, the councilors decide to respond that given the increasing military presence of the French at St. Domingue on Hispaniola, which lies between Jamaica and the Leewards, it would be impossible to provide any assistance.

Meanwhile, the Lords of Trade and Plantations meet in London.  They consider the petition dated August 30 by some of the Jews of Jamaica asking to be granted citizenship, addressed to Queen Mary, who had referred it to the Lords.  They decide to reject it.

Mexico/New Mexico: The viceroy, the Conde de Galve, meets with his junta of top officials to consider the request of Diego Trujillo on November 26 that ten or twelve priests be sent to New Mexico immediately.  The junta decides that Trujillo’s arguments are convincing and orders that twelve priests be sent immediately and funded as is customary.  They also decide to send a message to Governor Vargas relating the response of Father Juan de Capistrano to the governor’s nomination of Father Francisco de Vargas to head up the Franciscan order in the colony, including the reasons for appointing Father Salvador de San Antonio instead.

Father Francisco Farfán is selected to lead the group of priests being sent to New Mexico.  He has a draft drawn up entitling him to three years’ advance payment for the group, as has been customary for priests going to New Mexico, since the distance is so far and wagon trains so infrequent.  When he brings the draft to the treasurer for his signature, however, the treasurer refuses to sign, insisting that the junta only authorized one year of advance pay.  Farfán immediately writes to the viceroy, asking for clarification.  The viceroy, upon receiving the letter, confers with the junta and decides to authorize a year and a half of advance pay, since it is not yet clear how permanent the reconquest will be.  He sends a letter to Farfán to notify him so that he can have a draft drawn up for the appropriate amount.

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